


Linux has come along way since its inception. I dont really care for some of the newer distributions but I do like BSD, Fedora, Mandriva and of course, Slackware.

Linux takes a dive!!!  Actually I mean linux is running NT...click below to see its really true!

Current screenshot of "the" box


Tip of the month:

If you want to know the PID of a certain process, you can use the pidof command, this will output the pid number and any child proccess. Example:
[Plasma [smoke] Sun Feb  4 @ 05:24:58 [~]
$ ->>pidof named

Here are some cool apps and utils that I use daily while playing with linux.  If I  think they suck, they dont show up here!

Compupic RPM -A pretty sweet image cataloging util  that allows you to generate html and send posrtcards
X-Chat- (tar) A Xwindows chat client that allows multiple windows and server connects.
SCSIinfo (tar) A cheesy GUI for all sorts of SCSI info.
Colortail (tar) Nice colorizing log tailer thats very configurable
GTK-Portscan (tar) A pretty slick GTK portscanner. Doeasnt come close to nmap but its quick.
Webalizer (gz) A very detailed server web statistic generator, written in perl

As soon as I get some more time,I’ll paste the links to all of my work thats currently on sourceforge and freshmet...


Lots more files at ftp.vap0r.net available http or ftp (anon)

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